The Law of Attraction, the Law of the Universe, states that your thoughts and focus will determine what you attract into your life.

What if you could make extra cash by gambling? Will the law work for you?Yes! As long as your brain is in the right position, you can do it!

This is because I’ve been studying Law of Attraction for over 20 years and enjoyed gambling at about the same time. I can assure you that my learning and studying have led to increased winnings and more jackpots.

This article will be primarily focused on winning Video Poker games at casinos. However, I’m sure many tips will help you beat other games.

These are some modest tips that will help you achieve vibrational alignment and win.

1. You shouldn’t gamble with money that you can’t afford to lose.

This may sound like standard “moral” advice, but it is essential from a Law of Attraction perspective. It is a fact that if you play with rent or bill money, you are playing with guilt or scared money. You will feel a lot less confident if you are playing with scared money.

Start a JACKPOT JAR if money is tight. It would help if you also wrote Jackpot Jar on the JACKPOT JAR. You will be affirming yourself every time you see it. You will eventually believe that it is what it is. You can put some money into it each week. It doesn’t matter how small your money is, whether it’s $2, $5, or $10.You can keep a small amount aside until you have the cash you need to take to the casino. You might be able to cash in that penny or change jar in your bedroom, even if it is empty.

It is essential to travel with no guilt or fear. It will make you feel better knowing that you don’t have to win it or lose it.

2. Visualize winning before you go

My father was one of the most flourishing Video Poker players I’ve ever seen. He hit a lot of big jackpots when he did.I can recall a $13,000 jackpot, several $8,000 jackpots, and many $4,000- and $1,000-level jackpots.

My father did not believe in the Law of Attraction, but he loved to daydream about Atlantic City and the prizes he would win. His words were something like, “First, I’m going to go to a quarter machine and hit $1,000 there. Then I’m running to take that money to play the dollar machine to hit $4,000 there. After that, I’m going to sit for an hr winning smaller amounts until the big one.”Video Poker is so easy to win.

He didn’t use visualizations to win; he did them because it was enjoyable for him to think about. It didn’t matter what the impulse was, and I can assure you that it worked!

It reached the point that if he won fewer than three jackpots in a single weekend, it was considered a slow weekend.
He became so skilled at winning that losing was no longer an option. He never lost due to the Law of Attraction (what you believe and think is what you get).

So start visualizing winning before you even go. If a “huge Jackpot” seems too fantastic to you, start small. Accept it. First, I’ll win $100 here and then $300 there. Imagine the perfect hands you will receive. Imagine the joy you’d feel if you won. Imagine yourself counting huge bills on your return trip. It will feel amazing. This can be done as many events as you like before your trip to ensure that you feel great vibrational before arriving at the casino.

3. Practice at home

You have probably got internet access if you’re reading this. There are tons of sites that you can use to practice winning online.

Enjoy the excitement of winning online by playing your favorite game. Play for free, and don’t worry about losing your hands. Could you focus on the fact that it’s easy to win? It will be like you are playing with real money. You will feel your confidence grow as you win each winning hand.

These are some more tips to help you prepare for your trip.

4. Pay Attention to Your Words

Negative thoughts can hinder you from winning, but those spoken out loud can be ten times stronger. Avoid falling for the “casino talk,” which is so common among players. Take this example:

  • What are your limits?
  • What amount of money are you left?
  • Everyone seems to be missing today (or vice versa).
  • Everyone seems to be hitting today, except me.
  • This place is not lucky to me.
  • I cannot get any play.
  • I don’t know how to do it.
  • This place is a horrible one.
  • This place is a sham!

Remember that the Universe follows your lead. These thoughts and feelings are what the Universe will respond to by bringing more of them to you.

  • You can make more positive statements like:
  • My winning machine is calling me right now. I need to listen.
  • My jackpot is waiting here for me, and I’m going to find it.
  • I will be able to see the suitable machine right away.
  • It’s always a pleasure to come here.

5. It’s possible to enjoy the game while you are playing truly

It would help if you stopped focusing on how many chips are left or how much credit goes in and out. Instead, let your attention be drawn back to the fun of the game.

In Video Poker, there have been numerous occasions when I went into “auto mode.”Because I’ve been playing this game for so a long time, holding certain cards when they are dealt with is difficult. My attention is now free to concentrate on the number of credits in the machine. If the amount goes down, my vibration goes along with it.

Since then, I have learned to focus on the fun of playing the game. Now, I slow down my auto-response. Sometimes I pretend to be a beginner to the game. I can get excited about as small as two 2’s and wonder how cool it would feel to draw more. Yes! I don’t need to wait for the “big” hands to get excited. I enjoyed the game. The more I want the game, the more optimistic I feel. Positive vibrations lead to positive emotions and more things that I can be happy about.

Slow down. Keep in mind why you’re there. You will have fun if you put your efforts into having fun.

6. Change up your game

Ever wonder why “beginners luck,” which is so common, happens so often? It is because someone who does not know how to play a game can’t have negative thoughts or resistance.

An inexperienced player may not be able to tell the difference. A skilled video poker player might tell you nine times out of ten that the Royal Flush 5th card won’t appear. An experienced player will believe it will happen. A novice player may not think this. It is often challenging.

You don’t need to be a great player at your favorite game if you feel like you aren’t having much luck. Try a new game. I cannot calculate the number of times I won money without knowing what I did or how I got it. It’s so much fun! I then take the winnings and return to my regular game with a new winning vibration.

7. Take a Good Luck Charm Treasure, Hunt

Does good luck charm work? This is the Law of Attraction, so they should work if you believe that they will.

Is it necessary to have a certain charm? Not at all. For years, my mother and I have been going together to Atlantic City. When things are slow, one of our favorite things to do is go on a Good Luck Charm Treasure Hunt.

The casinos place small white cards inside the coin slot that reads “Congratulations!” when someone wins a machine lottery. As the person wins, you are a winner. People often leave these behind. I love finding them and using them as my lucky charm. They already have winning associations. We look for luck if they don’t bring us any luck after trying them 4 to 5 times.

Sometimes, it’s just a swizzle stick lying around. It can be a swizzle stick or a swizzle stick. I’ll grab it and declare, “This is it!”It is the one! Place it gently on my machine. It was more fun to come up with bizarre charms that we could experiment with.

We once drew a Kilroy-like figure on a piece of paper. You know that guy with the big nose, hands, and looking up at the wall? We placed him on top of the machine and had lots of fun. Before hitting the play button, we would rub his little bald head. If he refused to give me a second hand, my mom would make him turn over and face the wall. We had such a great time and shared so many laughs that we did very well that day.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it was Kilroy who won us the game. But we had so much fun performing with him that our vibration was so high that the Universe responded in kind, matching our beat with lots and lots of winning hands. It all comes down to the vibration that you send out. More abundance can be achieved through positive feelings.

8. If you can’t change your negative vibe, walk away

You can lose your attitude no matter how hard you try. This is a sign that you need to get some mental distraction. It’s a well-known saying that “No sense throwing away good money after the bad.”

Negative thinking will only lead to more problems (i.e.more losing). It is time to get away and try other things. You may be able to stay in a hotel room if you have the opportunity. Rent a $10.00 comedy to watch on TV (believe me, you’d lose a lot more if you played negatively for 2 hours on the casino floor). This will lighten your mood.

Go window shopping at the Casino Mall, or listen to the live band in the lounge. You can also get a stroll on the boardwalk and strip. Grab a delicious snack or meal that you wouldn’t normally eat at home. You can raise your vibration and feel more positive. Then, you can go back to play. It all comes down to beat.

9. Put Your Emotion Into Your Winning Hands – Not Your Losing Ones

Let’s suppose you have four cards in a winning hand, and you don’t pull the last card. What is your first reaction? Are you hopeful that the cards will finally align for you and that a winning hand is coming soon? Or are you disappointed or angry that it has not come your way yet and you find yourself fuming for the next twenty minutes.

Your vibrational reaction is what makes the difference. What will you get if you only focus on the hands that didn’t win? There will be more non-winning hands. Guess what you’ll get if you let your emotions go into the excitement of winning hands, regardless of how small—more winning hands.

You can learn to shift your focus and use more of your happy emotions for success. This is the final tip that will help you win more with the Law of Attraction.

10. Gratefulness

For me, constant gratitude while playing is what helps me win. I will be grateful if I win five coins or less. As I said, I deliberately get more excited about wins and feel less emotion when I lose. I make an effort to appreciate everything around me. The air-conditioned casino is a blessing in my life. The sounds and lights that surround me.The free drinks. I love the excitement of hearing other winners at the craps tables. It lifts my spirits and makes it possible to share in the excitement. I enjoy being with the people I go to the casino with, the food at restaurants, and the clean hotel rooms.

Remember that the main reason you came was to have fun. Make it your priority, and the Universe will make sure that you have fun.

Happy creating!

Ancient Dragon Slot Machine Review

The Japanese slot developer Konami may have been famous for its high-quality console games. However, they are quickly establishing their reputation as an online slots developer. Ancient Dragon is one of their best slots designed for online play.

The Ancient Dragon is an Asian-themed 5-reel slot with 100 pay lines and a storyline. This isn’t the first Asian theme we have seen from Konami or any other online slot developer. However, it is a popular backdrop for video slots. The Ancient Dragon slot is quite a step above Konami’s China Shores. However, it is much more visually appealing and has more features than Ancient Dragon. It is also much more challenging to master. The Ancient Dragon’s reel layout closely resembles Full Moon Diamond, a slot that is not traditional.

The Far East is yours

The Ancient Dragon Statue, which is wild, replaces all symbols except the Ying Yang symbol (scatter) on the reels. These symbols represent the Far East images, such as Turtles, Goldfish and Water Lilies. They also include the usual 9 through Ace poker card value.

Action Stacked Symbols can win you more

This feature allows random symbols to be replaced by similar symbols in adjacent positions. Konami slot players will already be familiar with it. You can replace the characters with any sign except the scatter.

Get Free Spins

Free Spins are the main bonus feature. This can be activated by landing 3, 4, or five Ying-Yang scatters on the reels. You will receive 5, 12, or 25 free games. A new set of valuable reels will be used in the bonus round. This gives you a chance to win even more. You will receive more free spins when you land three or more scatters.

In conclusion

Although The Ancient Dragon is not Konami’s most innovative slot, it delivers on the developers’ goals and objectives. It uses konxion Reel layouts and offers a good bonus round. The gameplay is solid, and the Yin Yang scatter symbol is a great addition. Together with Konami’s other slot machines, this has received positive feedback. It sets them up to share space with big boys like Microgaming and Amaya.

The Enigma of Victory: Penetrating Far Beyond the Facade

Gambling? It’s more than dice and cards, wheels and luck; it weaves together an intricate web of psychology, sensation, and cognition. Engage with the mystifying Law of Attraction, and you might unearth concepts that resonate with the mindset essential for triumph in realms like Video Poker or slots.

Seizing the Instant: Now

Gamblers, wandering in memories of what’s lost, or fearful of the morrow’s uncertainty, forget to live. What of the present? The Law of Attraction beckons us to seize it, to find joy and thrill in the very act of playing. A shift to the now might stir intuition and enlighten choices.

Hope that Shines: It’s More Than Winning

Winning. It’s what we seek. But positive expectation? It’s a trust, a belief in goodness, regardless of the outcome. Enjoyment in process. Trust in oneself. A mind that builds. And the result? It might just be more victories.

The Inner Voice: Your Intuition

Many veterans of the game whisper of an intuitive pulse behind their finest bets. Could aligning thoughts and feelings unleash this inner wisdom?

Vibrations of Play: The Game’s Energy

Ever played the Ancient Dragon Slot Machine? Felt the pulse of its colorful graphics, its alluring tale? Games possess energy. They resonate. Finding your match could mean more wins, more joy.

Taking Care of You: Balance in Play

Winning isn’t grinding. It’s a dance of play, rest, and life balance, synchronized with your well-being. The Law of Attraction? It calls for harmony, in the casino and in life.

Respect: A Mirror Reflecting Wins

Winners know the secret. Respect those around – players, dealers, those who serve. It creates an aura, a climate of positivity. And that? It may echo back in winnings.

Resonating with Self: Values and Responsibility

Values are compasses. If gambling aligns, it resonates. If not? Loss, dissatisfaction, a bitter taste.

Closing Thoughts

Life. Gambling. They intertwine in a dance of fate, skill, the unseen, and the mind. Delve into principles like the Law of Attraction, and you’ll discover new layers of joy, potential wins, a journey rich in fulfillment.

The Law of Attraction isn’t merely about wealth; it’s a tune to the melody of life’s excitement, zest, and vibrancy. Try the Ancient Dragon Slot Machine or face the poker challenge; remember these truths, and your game, your existence, may reach new heights.

Embrace the path, and let the positive energies guide you!